happy birthday tasha :)

happy birthday to tasha. hehe. 270209;p
the brirthday girl and me.
she is just sweet 13teen.
she is the neighbour of mine.
she loves to listen to music so much.
she loves to give credits. :)

sheena, siot je ohh, time nie dahlah baru msk rumah trs amik gamba, ahaha, bapak kelakar. gehhh,

the gathering, here we have aiman,wafika,bazilah,allan,and sape ntah that girl.
bodo! siyes. hodoh.
wtf?sheena''s idea nie.
that is me and that cute one is tasha.birthday girl.
hehe, suka suki je kan
thanks sheena, i love you babe.
xo, jo
p/s: sorry i update sikit je, pictures je kan yg byk, wtf,bye


Ruhil Rosley said...

cantik la baju kamu itu.
sangat comel dan bergaya.

waanyy said...

comell la korang:)

blog ko cantek seyh!